AI Swap Trade
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A) Click the ‘Trade’ button displayed on menu or header section B) You will be displayed ‘Exchange’ and ‘Liquidity’ and Click Exchange for trade or Click Liquidity for providing Liquidity to the Token pairs you want.
1. If you click exchange then the exchange section or swap section for trading the desired tokens you are searching for shall appear.
2. Now select the pair of tokens you need to trade and enter the amount in the ‘from’ box to get the desired amount of other tokens.
A] PRICE IMPACT : It is the difference between the market price and estimated price due to trade size. It means when you try to trade a token there will be a price impact because a lot of trade happens similarly across the system.
B] LIQUIDITY PROVIDER FEE : For each trade happens between a pair of tokens the platform deducts some fee from the users to Liquidity providers to encourage them to facilitate a passive income and reward for a contribution. To address the LP fee we must understand what the LP stands for, how the platform gives fees for the LP.C] LIQUIDITY PROVIDER : A Liquidity provider means a user who adds liquidity to the given set of pair tokens to facilitate the trade between that tokens.
D] ROUTE : Route addresses the hindrance for some trading pairs which resolves by best trade route practices. You may confront some trade which doesn’t happen when there is no route feature.
E] Slippage Tolerance : When you click the settings the box below may appear. In which you can see the slippage tolerance under swaps and liquidity. Slippage tolerance allows you to trade when your buying token would not produce the exact amount you called for.
3. Now come back to our trade part, After entering the amount you can give confirm swap and it calls the wallet when you give confirm swap as shown.
4. Accept the transaction in your wallet and you can see the pop up as ‘Transaction Submitted’.