AI Swap Liquidity
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When you click the liquidity button you can see the liquidity you provided for the set of pairs or if not you may not see the section. Also there is an Add Liquidity button to provide the liquidity for a number of pair tokens you wish to. In return you will receive a LP token as a reward also the fee for trading the pairs according to the proportion of shares you have provided in the LP pool.
The first step towards providing liquidity is to Click Add Liquidity → Select the pair of tokens you wish to provide → Enter the amount in both tokens → Confirm supply → Click Create pool and supply → Confirm the transaction in your wallet → Transaction successful.
Fig. 1.Enter the amount in both tokens
Fig.2.Click Create pool and supplyFig.3. Transaction successful
1.Click the “remove”
2. Select the amount of liquidity you want to remove as shown in the fig as 25%,50%,75% or 100%.
3. Click Enable and Sign the Order from the Metamask wallet and proceed to the remove button and confirm that transaction.
4. Now you have removed the liquidity from the pool.
It denotes those LP tokens in which you have provided liquidity but still you couldn’t find the LP pair in the given section. So you can just click and select the LP pairs to find it.